Stockmaking Services...
Below is a listing of services and an estimated range of basic charges. Please keep in mind that each custom stockmaking project is unique and may result in some variation of these stated
Prices as of January 1, 2023
Please contact me for
estimates on specific projects and any additional information. Custom projects discussed and confirmed prior
to Feb. 1, 2018 will be exempt from price increases after 2018. Please see my "Scheduling and the Future" page for important information. I am not accepting additional custom stocking projects at this time. I will, however, continue to accept short-term projects, i.e. recoil pads,
adjustable combs, stock repairs, etc., on a limited basis for the foreseeable future. Please call or email for

- Rifle stocking: Includes all inletting, shaping, and finishing, 24 LPI checkering in a standard point pattern (two panels at grip and wrapped around forend), steel
grip cap, sling swivel studs, and a standard recoil pad. Other custom features may be additionally priced.
- One piece bolt action rifle............3950-4050
- Two piece rifle.............................4050-4150
- Shotgun stocking: Includes all inletting, shaping, and finishing, 22 or 24 LPI checkering in a standard point pattern, and a standard recoil pad. Custom features
such as inletting scalloped receiver, drop points, etc. may be additionally priced.
- Boxlock shotgun......................4050-4200
- Sidelock shotgun....................4350-4500
Special Features
- Ebony forend tip................................150.00
- Install steel butt plate.......................260.00
- Install skeleton buttplate..................750.00
- Install pedestal-type swivel bases (2)....275.00
- Install oval for engraving...................195.00
- Fleur-de-lis checkering......................550.00
- 26 LPI checkering..............................200.00
Other Stock Work
- Install recoil pad..................................80.00
- Install Silver's Pad.............................135.00
- Install Graco adj. comb hardware, includes hardware...........................................275.00
- Install adj. aluminum buttplate...........195.00
- Leather covered recoil pad................375.00
- Shape, finish, and checker butt.........325.00
- Refinishing................................from 375.00
- Recutting checkering..................P.O.R.
- Stock repairs: splits, cracks, etc....hourly chg.
- Most other work done on hourly basis